Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Educating a child is a team effort. We are all in this ride together.

There are three months left in the Lester Prairie school year but what a year it’s been so far.   Six great months to date, but the final three months are the most challenging.  The spring can lead to some detours but as long as the staff at school and the parents at home are working together, success will be had.

Home.  The home is just as important in educating a child as the school is.  Educating a child is an all day journey but teachers cannot be at the wheel for every second a child is awake. 

Math, Spelling, Language Arts, Reading, Science, Music, Social Studies, Arts, and everything in between, several teachers share in guiding on this journey from 8am to 3pm every day (and coaches in extra curricular activities).   But parents, you take the wheel when the students are at home and we need your efforts with the responsibility of school too. 

Not just in guiding a child, but in teaching a child life, and academics.  There will be longer assignments, longer books to read, and tougher math assignments.  Year end projects are due and together we need to stay on top of everything.  Together. 

It’s a tag team effort.  When you send your child to school on the bus or drop them off with the ladies at the front door you give the school the nod “it’s your turn”.  When they are sent back on the bus, picked up at the door, or when they walk or ride bikes home, teachers tag the parents back in. 

We all share the wheel on this journey.  Picture a long drive.  A teacher or a parent, they can not drive from 7am until 9pm.  It’s 14 hours so a number of people must share behind the wheel at different times. 

The children along for the ride, we all have a goal for them and together we can guide them on this journey.  It’s okay that some of us want to drive 70 miles per hour on the highway and others want to take detours or a 50 mile per hour route.  Nothing wrong with that at all.

What matters is that together as parents and teachers we guide our young people to the final day at the end of May.   The road is tough but it can be traveled as long as we work as a team.  It cannot be done any other way.

Good luck and travel safe!

Written By Ryan James—Special Ed Teacher

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