Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Challenge Club Students Make Videos with Lego Creations!

3rd and 4th graders in Challenge Club spent weeks using the educational software, WeDo, to program and engineer Lego’s to move. Students work in collaborative groups to build a certain type of Lego. So far, students have made a Monkey and a Lion. The Monkey is programmed to “drum” and the Lion to sit back and roar when given a bone.
Within their groups, students use the programming software to make lego’s move and add sound effects and other mechanical features. Once the Lego is built and the students have completed their engineering, they make a video. Miss Kraemer, fifth grade teacher and Challenge Club Advisor, puts the students videos together to create one full video. The videos are available to watch on her website.

3rd graders Austin Walstrom, Grace Bayerl, and Miranda Mallak work together to build their lego creation.

 4th graders (from left to right) Brodee Sawicki, Carl Overbye, Tommy Dressen, Lilly Parrott, and Megan Tonn gather with a groups lion.

3rd graders Andy Ruwersma and Kaden Otto engineer their monkeys to drum.

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