The Lester
Prairie students in grades K-5 participated in field day activities.
The Lester Prairie Ambassadors and Dairy Princess Genna Jeurrisen
helped students through events along with staff members and NHS members.
The Dairy Council provided free chocolate milk to students at the
conclusion of the event which was set up and organized by LP Physical
Education teacher, Mr. Neubarth. Students participated in events such
as relays, hurdles, water balloon toss, tug-of-war, and basketball toss.
Students also participated in a picnic lunch enjoying the weather and
eating outside.
Students in grade 6-12 participated in a
free-lunch sponsored by the Youth Task Force. The mission of the Youth
Task Force is "Creating a web of support for the safety and well-being
of our teens and pre-teens". The Youth Task Force is comprised of
members within the community who are church leaders, business owners,
Police Officers, and other leaders throughout Lester Prairie and McLeod
County. Members of the Ambassadors, Melissa Williams (who organizes the
Ambassadors and also is a member of the Youth Task Force) and the Dairy
Princess were also supporting the effort.