Friday, April 29, 2016

Take Time to Read Aloud~

            When I was young, my mother would read aloud to me whenever she could.  As I a child, I remember being so excited to go to the library every week with my mom, filling my book bag as full as I could!  That was a tradition that stuck with me throughout my teen years and into adulthood.  I still am an avid reader, finding time to read every day.  It is one of my favorite things to do!
            That tradition carried on with my own children.   My husband and I made a point read to our children every day throughout their elementary years. I found myself taking them to the library, just as my mom did with me.  I think I could have bought stock in Scholastic and Barnes & Noble for all the books purchased and read throughout their childhood.  But, it was an activity we all loved and it gave us some quality time together each night.
            Reading aloud to your children, of any age, is so important!  Reading aloud will increase a person’s value of books and inspire motivation to read on your own.   Taking the time to read aloud not only gives you quality time with your child but also, lets the parent be a great role model.  It shows the parent is excited about reading and children model their parent’s behaviors; they catch the excitement!  Reading aloud also provides exposure to language that we don’t see on television, in movies, or even in our daily interactions within families.  When we encourage reading and read aloud with our children, they develop a larger vocabulary, stimulate their imagination, and are often able to increase their attention span!  Don’t wait for the next rainy day, read with your children tonight!

Mrs. Scoblic

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